考研英语 词汇(考研英语词汇量要达到多少)

考研英语 词汇,考研英语词汇量要达到多少


1.The has a great gift for classical music, whose ability impressed all the audience.(music)

2.Helping others seemed a very (nature) thing to him. I witnessed the true beauty of human nature in him.

3.Wild plants can be up to 9 metres high but on tea plantations(茶园) they are cut back to the bushes about a metre in (high)so that workers can pick the leaves (easy).

4.We believe it is (significance) to teach the children good values.

5.Things that we believed would last forever had (actual) gone in a second before we realized it.

6.Most teas have caffeine in them, a substance that makes people feel more active. Some refuse to drink tea because it can cause (sleepless).

7.These tips above will be (extreme)useful when you visit China, an (east) country with a long history.

8.The illness left him in a wheelchair and he was (able) to speak except through a voice synthesizer(合成器).

9.(surprising), he did not take my offer but told me to pass the act of (kind) on and help more people in need.

10.The museum’s online store now sells (create) cultural products.

11.T’ai Chi provides the mental(relax) and physical fitness.

12.A (common)used greeting in China is the question, “Have you eaten?” It indicates the (important) of food in China.

13.History (able)pupils to learn about the culture, which helps them to understand the society they live in.

14.Decades later it(gradual) became a key feature of London’s street style.

15.Forgiveness is possible — and it can be surprisingly(benefit) to your physical and mental health.

16.The pork pie hat, starting in the middle of the 19th century, was the(choose) for many well-dressed Victorian citizens.

17.There is a(collect) of brief videos in Douyin, mainly focused on young people, yet it’s (suit) for all ages.

18.Universities and their assets are expensive investments, funded by the government and the public, for the education of students and (science) research.

19.China, which takes (proud) in inventions in ancient times, has once again demonstrated its (able) to change the world with its “new four great inventions”.

20.I think I’ll never forget the(amaze) trip I had in Beijing, China and I hope to go there next time with my friends.

21.He seemed to have sensed my discomfort so he tried to ease my (anxious) by introducing himself.

22.The WHO announced a plan to fight obesity and invited governments to (courage) their citizens to adopt a (sense) diet and take some exercise.

23.Swimming can not only increase your heart rate without putting a lot stress on your body, but also build up your muscles and(strong).

24.Dogs tend to leave people with the (impress) that they have a stubborn (personal), but they are indeed loyal to their families and friends.

25.In some Chinese novels, there are (describe) of charming women in red silk shoes.

26.In fact, a butterfly must have a hard struggle to get its (free) from the cocoon(茧).

27.They have developed good relations with each other. Mrs. Thomas says they also eat out and go traveling together, which are (forget) experiences for her.

28.The Greenpeace works to promote people’s (aware) of the danger that (threat) our planet today.


1.In just a few decades, we have completed an industrialization process that took developed countries several hundred years.

2.Socialism with Chinese characteristics provides a broad pathway for China to advance with the times and steer the course of development today.

3.China has demonstrated the vitality of scientific socialism with indisputable facts.

4.Reform and opening-up is a great reawakening of the Communist Party of China (CPC), nurturing great creativity in both theory and practice for the CPC.

5.”I love Mexican churros, so I often buy them from the local Mexican takeaway on my phone,” she explains.

答 案



1.musician; musical句意:这位音乐家对古典音乐极有天赋,他的音乐才能给所有听众留下了深刻的印象。根据句意可知,第一空应填musician,表示”音乐家”;第二空在名词前作定语,应用形容词musical。






7.extremely; eastern句意:以上的这些小窍门在你到中国——一个历史悠久的东方国家——旅游的时候非常有用。第一空用提示词的副词形式修饰形容词useful,extremely表示”极其,非常”;第二空用形容词作定语,east的形容词形式是eastern,表示”东方的”。

8.unable句意:疾病使他只能坐轮椅,而且,他只能通过声音合成器说话。根据句中的”except through a voice synthesizer(合成器)”可知,空处表示”不能”,应在提示词前加否定前缀un-。

9.Surprisingly; kindness句意:令人惊讶的是,他没有接受我的提议,而是让我把这种善举延续下去,帮助更多有困难的人。第一空在句中作状语,应用提示词的副词形式;第二空在介词of后,应用名词kindness表示”善良”。



12.commonly; importance句意:在中国,一个常用的打招呼方式是问”你吃饭了吗?”,这表明了食物在中国的重要性。第一空修饰其后的used,应用副词commonly,表示”一般地,经常地”;第二空根据空前的定冠词the可知,应用提示词的名词形式importance,表示”重要性”。





17.collection;suitable句意:抖音上有一批主要针对年轻人的短视频,但是它适合所有年纪的人。第一空在不定冠词后,应用提示词的名词形式, collection表示”(一批)收集的东西”;第二空应用提示词的形容词形式作表语,suitable表示”适合的”。


19.pride; ability句意:中国以古代的发明为傲,如今以其”新四大发明”再次展示出改变世界的能力。第一空考查take pride in这个固定搭配;第二空用提示词的名词形式作宾语,ability表示”能力”。



22.encourage; sensible句意:世界卫生组织宣布了向肥胖宣战的计划,并邀请各国政府鼓励其公民合理饮食并做些锻炼。第一空在句中作非谓语,跟在不定式符号to后,故用动词encourage,表示”鼓励”;第二空应用形容词在句中作定语,sensible表示”合理的”。


24.impression;personality句意:狗往往给人们的印象是它们性格固执,但是它们确实对自己的家人和朋友很忠诚。第一空应用提示词的名词形式作宾语, impression表示”印象” ; 第二空应用提示词的名词形式作宾语, personality表示


25.descriptions句意:在一些中国小说中,有些描述是关于穿着红色丝绸鞋子的魅力女性的。空处在there be句式中作主语,应用提示词的名词形式,且要与be动词are在数上保持一致,故用名词复数形式descriptions。

26.freedom句意: 实际上, 蝴蝶要脱茧获得自由就必须奋力拼搏。空处应用提示词的名词形式作宾语, freedom表示


27.unforgettable句意:他们彼此发展了很好的关系。托马斯夫人说他们还一起出去吃饭,一起去旅行,这些对她来说都是难忘的经历。空处在句中作定语修饰experiences, 应用提示词的形容词形式,又根据语境可知,此处表示”难忘的”经历,故应用形容词unforgettable。

28.awareness; threatens句意:绿色和平组织尽力促进人们对如今威胁到我们星球的危险的认识。第一空应用提示词的名词形式作宾语,awareness表示”认识,意识”。第二空在定语从句中作谓语,故应用提示词的动词形式threaten,表示

“威胁”。that在定语从句中作主语,先行词the danger为单数,故第二空填threatens。




3.活力,生命力;无可争辩的vital(adj. 极其重要的;生气勃勃的) →vitality(n.活力,生命力)。dispute(n./v. 争论,辩论)→disputable(adj.有争议的,可争辩的)→indisputable(adj.无可争辩的)。

4.再度觉醒awake(adj.醒着)→awaken(v. 唤醒)→awakening(n. 觉醒,醒悟)→reawakening(n. 再度觉醒)

5.外卖餐馆动词短语take away有”外卖带走,(从餐馆买饭菜等)带回食用”之意,因此合成词takeaway有”外卖餐馆,外卖食物” 的意思, takeaway为名词。常见的同类合成词还有breakthrough “突破”, countdown “倒计时”, takeover “接





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