



1. What is the woman doing?

A. Offering help.

B. Asking for help.

C. Asking for permission.

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The city.

B. The schedule.

C. The weather.

3. How long does the woman spend at least to go to work?

A. 20 minutes.

B. 40 minutes.

C. 50 minutes.

4. What does the man think of Michael?

A. Important.

B. Determined.

C. Unhealthy.

5. What’s wrong with the man?

A. His hair is messy.

B. His clothes don’t match.

C. His face is dirty.




6. Where does the man buy tickets?

A. On the Internet.

B. At the booking office.

C. At the theater.

7. How much should the man pay for the tickets?

A. $3.

B. $5.

C. $6.


8. What happened to the woman?

A. She is annoyed about the man.

B. She has a fever.

C. She has a stomachache.

9. What will the woman do?

A. Have a rest.

B. Go to hospital.

C. Go back home.


10. What is a good teacher according to the woman?

A. Being easy-going.

B. Being strict.

C. Being responsible.

11. Where does the man teach?

A. In a middle school.

B. In a primary school.

C. In a college.

12. Why does the man like to assign less homework?

A. Students don’t like homework.

B. It doesn’t inspire students to learn.

C. It leaves less time for fun for children.


13. Where does the woman work?

A. At a television station.

B. At a newspaper office.

C. At a university.

14. Why is the man applying for this position?

A. To make money.

B. To get experience.

C. To meet famous people.

15. What is the man’s major at university?

A. Media and Communication.

B. Advertising.

C. English.

16. What does the man need to do first to get the position?

A. Complete a form.

B. Talk to Miss Smith.

C. Take some courses.


17. Where is the company located?

A. In Haiti.

B. In India.

C. In the U.K.

18. When did the company become larger?

A. In 2000.

B. In 2010.

C. In 2015.

19. What is the number of full-time workers?

A. 70.

B. 90.

C. 150.

20. Who fund the company’s work?

A. The volunteers.

B. The governments.

C. The partner organizations.


Text 1

W: I’m afraid I haven’t been able to finish the report, and I was hoping that you would give me some more time to do it.

M: OK. I can give you one more day.

Text 2

W: It’s rainy and cold here in Beijing at the moment. I hope it’s better in London. I want to take a holiday there.

M: Yes, it’s lovely at the moment. Sunny and warm, but not too hot.

Text 3

M: Do you catch a taxi to work every day?

W: Yes. When the traffic is OK, it only takes me 20 minutes, but when there are traffic jams, it takes me 40 or even 50 minutes.

Text 4

W: What kind of person do you think Michael is?

M: I think Michael is the kind of person who doesn’t let his illness stop him doing whatever he wants to do.

Text 5

W: Have you looked into the mirror today?

M: Uh, not since I woke up this morning. What’s wrong? Did I forget to comb my hair or something?

W: Well, the green tie and red shirt don’t really match.

Text 6

M: Mary, let’s go to the movies. There is a movie at 7:00 p.m.

W: Can we get tickets?

M: Yes, (6)the website shows there are only 32 tickets left, but all cheap ones.

W: How much are they?

M: They’re only $3 each.

W: That’s a good price. (7)Hurry to get two.

M: OK. I’ve clicked “ OK ’’.

Text 7

M: So, Liz, are you going to see a doctor?

W: I’m planning on going. You don’t have to force me. I feel terrible. I need a good rest.

M: Well, you look terrible.

W: Oh, I feel better now.

M: You know what I mean. (6)You’ve had a temperature for two days, you have a headache, and you have no energy. If I were you, I would go immediately.

W: Yes, I suppose you’re right. It’s just that…

M: What?

W: I hate hospitals, clinics and pills.

M: So do I. I don’t even like the smell of the hospitals, but do you have other choices?

W: (7)OK. You’ve convinced me.

Text 8

M: So, what do you think makes a good or a bad teacher? You are in school right now, right?

W: Yes. And I have good and bad teachers right now.

M: OK.

W: (10)Well, I think what makes a good teacher or a good professor is whether they really care about what they are teaching. But there are some teachers that don’t seem responsible.

M: Right.

W: Some teachers give a lot of homework.

M: Yeah. (11)I am a middle school teacher. (12)I don’t like to assign a lot of homework because it doesn’t inspire students to learn. But you know, I try to get them excited about learning.

W: Would you say you’re a pretty easy-going teacher?

M: I am generally. But I’m fair. I really want to be a good teacher.

Text 9

W:(13) Hello, this is Universal Television Station. How may I help you?

M: Hello. Uh, I’m calling because I saw an advertisement in the newspaper. It said there was a part-time job available for a student who wants to work on your local news program.

W: Right. But do you know that all of our part-time jobs are for volunteers? It’s an unpaid position. Besides, if you think of it as a platform to meet famous people, then you’re wrong.

M: Oh, sure, I understand that. (14)I just want to get some working experience for a television news program.

W: Are you majoring in Media and Communication?

M: No, (15)my major is English, but I’ve taken some courses in Media and Communication.

W: I see. Well, you need to talk to Miss Wagner. She’s in charge of the program. (16)But first, you need to fill out an application form. You can drop by the station later today.

Text 10

M:Volunteering abroad is OK for everyone. For those that don’t know much about our company, Time Abroad, let me start by telling you a bit more.

(17)Time Abroad is one of the largest volunteer abroad organizations in the U.K. The company was founded in 2000. (18)In 2010, the company grew by combining with another company, PT Travel, which made us even larger. In 2015 we sent 10,000 people abroad on a variety of service projects in foreign countries such as Haiti and India.

(19)We have 150 full-time workers, many of whom are former volunteers inspired by their own experience. Some of those people are even part of the original groups of volunteers back in the early 1990s. About 75 of those staff members don’t settle in the U.K. at all, and spend their whole time in another country supporting the volunteers.

We don’t request money from our partner organizations in the developing world. (20)All our work is funded through your contribution as a volunteer. We do get help from the government, but that is from reduced business taxes, not financial contributions.



6-10 ACBBC

11-15 ABABC

16-20 ACBCA


